Something Fresh


with 10 comments

A few days ago, as I stood in line at FotoFast to get my rather glum-looking passport-size photograph printed, this couple walked in to get pictures from what only seemed like their honeymoon, printed. The guy flung out an expensive looking USB stick, and smugly asked the shopgirl in a fake accent to copy pictures from an album he spelt as Singapur! Omg. He thought it was just like Nagpur or Jaipur or Jodhpur or Jabalpur.

Anyway, I’ve been away for a while. In the meantime, I’ve had my customary annual trip to Goa: definitely the last one now, as least for a while. I’ve built up a huge inspiration to learn astronomy for the next six months. I’ve gotten better at croaking (or so I think). I’ve won a MATLAB programming contest in bizarre circumstances with a colleague. I’ve learned that I can eat massive amounts when provoked or confronted with people wasting food. I’ve learned that if my foot size grows even an iota, I will not get shoes anywhere in the world. And I’ve learned that people only breathe through one nostril at a time. I feel enlightened!

Written by Fez

February 13, 2010 at 2:13 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

10 Responses

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  1. I always find that most Indians have to get a fake accent once they are out of the country.

    That’s an interesting list. Congrats on the contest win!


    February 13, 2010 at 11:47 pm

  2. I don’t know why we’re the only people in the world who get an accent in a foreign country. I think it’s okay to use the accent if you’re trying to facilitate them to understand you better. It’s stupid when you get back and talk in the same accent as if you’ve never had an Indian accent before.

    Oh, and thank you!


    February 14, 2010 at 1:43 pm

  3. True. Most people are embarrassed with the Indian accent from what I have noticed and I don’t understand the reason for the embarrassment. Not everyone speaks with the South Indian dialect, which is often used, as a form of humor. While the South Indian dialect is amusing we can still be proud of it!


    February 14, 2010 at 4:08 pm

  4. Haha, the Southie accent is awesome! You should watch Russell Peters imitating the Indian accent.

    I have a question. I think you could give me an unbiased opinion. After living away for a long time, does your accent automatically change? Does fitting in with the rest of the school kids have anything to do with it changing? Can you switch back and forth between the two accents easily? If you’re not comfortable answering, don’t! I’m just curious, and I thought you’d know this well.


    February 14, 2010 at 9:31 pm

  5. It depends on the person. Most people change their accent within a day or two.

    With a little kid say that is 5 years old, then the accent does automatically change, since they came here at a very early age. I suspect it is hard for the kid to go back to the Indian accent.

    Conversely someone that comes at a age of 18-19, then their accent doesn’t really change. With me I came at a age of 12 and for some weird reason I was opposed to adapting to the Western accent. Its been 8 years now, and some of my words have changed without meaning to, but I have been told for the most part I still have my Indian accent! :D

    I think you can switch back and forth between the two accents easily. If in a way we can imitate Chinese & South Indian accent, then we should be able to switch back and forth between accents. I still believe that, but most people don’t really opt for this, because I suspect a lot of people are fascinated for some weird reason with the Western accent.


    February 15, 2010 at 12:27 am

  6. 8 years and you still cling on to your Indian accent? Pat on the back for you! I’m sure the rolling ‘r’ changes the instant you land there, cuz otherwise they’ll just think you’re some freaky Mexican, no?

    Thanks for the info, I have always wondered what happens to the accent of people who learn English here, and move there at a young age. Cuz I know people who come back and talk as if seven generations of their family have been born there.


    February 16, 2010 at 7:55 am

  7. Haha! Thanks!

    No problem at all. The last sentence I know I have seen that as well.


    February 17, 2010 at 1:17 am

  8. What were the ‘bizarre’ circumstances for the Matlab thingy?
    And BTW, trust me- you don’t even need to be provoked to eat massive amounts ;)


    February 21, 2010 at 7:47 am

  9. What was NOT bizarre? We walk in discussing grad schools, while people are cramming last minute programming stuff. We go all the way to Tiffinnie for lunch, expecting to get booted out. We walk out after the speed programming, KNOWING we’ll get booted out, somehow find our way back to explain our programs to the judges, and THEN we win? Dude, you’re the last person I should need to explain this to!


    February 21, 2010 at 10:34 am

  10. but then, don’t we always expect to get booted everywhere :) ??


    February 21, 2010 at 10:50 am

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